Truck and Earthmoving

Truck and Earthmoving (Cars)

Two-components detergent for oily dirts.
Active chlorine Alkaline detergent
Two-component detergent With Polish
Remove Cement
Liquid detergent at high concentration Energetic
Scented liquid manufacturer of hygiene for smoke-producing machines
Two component external detergent.
Two components Cleaner Polisher.
energetic multi-purpose cleaner.
A detergent Bicomponent Medium alkalinity.
Alcohol-based hygiene manufacturer.

Product compliant with the circular of the Ministry of Health DGPRE 0005443 of 22/02/2020 COVID 19
Remove Tar.
Organic solvent to eliminate the traces of latex from the tanks.
Energetic Detergent for prewash in Cars
Multifunction two-component detergent.
Unlocking Professional
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